Who Are the Famous Artists in the World?

There are many famous artists in the world. In the space of art, one can always find freedom: freedom of expression, the freedom to feel, freedom of life, and so on

Art knows no boundaries or time for anyone. There is no need to have known a particular form or skill to do it. All you need is an imaginative mind and a screen where you can pour it on.

famous artists in the world

As absurd as this sounds, the only way to do art is to ‘start’.

“Every artist was first an amateur.” 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you’re willing to be an artist, there is no more perfect way than to get your hands moving. You need not chase perfection; just chase repetition. Really anyone can be an artist since there is no limit to it. And if this is your starting phase and you wish to learn more, then it’s good to learn about some great artists of all time that made history.

Who is an Artist?

famous artists in the world

While we’re at it, then let’s talk about artists. Who is an Artist? Is it someone good at painting and making sketches?

Maybe. I would beg to differ. An artist could be anyone who sees the world differently, feels differently, observes, and represents anything differently. Does it have to be out of the ordinary? No, not at all. It’s just the beauty that is visible to only artists that other people can’t see.

The beauty could be in their own eyes or the capability to see it in the outer world. Either way, they perceive things differently. Poetry, Stories, Music, Painting, Speaking, Observing, and even Daydreaming can be considered a part of Art.

There are majorly two kinds of people if taken roughly:

  1. Who are in essential professions like medicine, engineering, finances, business, etc
  2. Who creates this world and works on improvising the quality of living: Artists. They show the world its beauty and surreal possibilities.

There is no denying that every profession is crucial on its own and the above statement, by no means, reflects any difference between the importance of any profession.

List of the Most Famous Artists in the World of All Times

1. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)

Leonardo famous artists in the world

(Photograph of Leonardo Da Vinci)

The most artful painting of all time a.k.a. Mona Lisa is known by almost every living being that has existed since its making. It’s known for its realism and a new form of art in the times of the High Renaissance (a short period of one of the most exceptional artists in Italy).

Mona Lisa famous artists in the world

(The ‘Mona Lisa’ painting)

Leonardo Da Vinci was an architect, painter, scientist, theorist, and draughtsman who served Italy. He was great at using Sfumato, human anatomy, and innovative art techniques.

He believed that both art and science are complementary to each other. Also, both humans and the universe are not distinct and the changes in one reflect the changes in the other.

2. Gustav Klimt (1862-1918)

Gustav Klimt famous artists in the world

(Gustav Klimt)

Famous for his painting ‘The Kiss’, he is a renowned painter, muralist, and leader of the Viennese Secession movement.

His painting of great symbolism expresses two bodies melting into each other in a poetic embrace with golden clothes covering their frame.

His mastery of symbolism in each one of his artworks is peculiar and authentic. Most of his art involves different basic shapes and brilliant colors to convey different messages.

Gustav Klimt famous artists in the world

(Hygieia by Gustav Klimt shows different shapes and colors as symbols)

As a fun fact, he was also rather a shy person and avoided social gatherings (despite being under most of the time under the spotlight).

3. Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)

Rembrandt van Rijn famous artists in the world(Self-portrait of Rembrandt van Rijn)

Also known as the master of light and shadows, his portraits are famous to depict realistic illumination. He was a famous painter and printmaker during the Dutch Golden Age.

At the time, very few had similar visuals skill as him. He used real-life portraits and self-portraits to show the partaking of light on canvas. Thus, the shadow effects in his paintings are exemplary. He enjoyed painting portraits, self-portraits, and historical, mythological, and biblical scenes.

4. Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)

Vincent van Gogh famous artists in the world

(Self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh)

God! Who doesn’t know him at this point? You may or may not have gone through that famous painting of blue skies, the Sun, a few white orbs, and black rocks in a round hatching pattern.

It has become a trend recently online and many artists still enjoy recreating that painting in their own forms. He was a Dutch painter, well-known and influential in Western Art history.

The Starry Sky famous artists in the world

(The Starry Sky by Vincent Van Gogh)

Besides being the artist who made The Starry Night, he was famous for his elegant stroke, sensitive usage of brush and colors, and the controversial story of his life. Before dying, he made over 2,100 paintings in a decade among which an estimated number 860 were oil paintings.

5. John Singer Sargent (1856-1925)

John Singer Sargent famous artists in the world

(Portrait of John Singer Sargent)

If you’re having an art block one day and don’t know what to make or where to start, just look up this distinguished artist. He was an American expatriate artist who was known as one of the greatest portrait makers of his generation.

During his lifetime, he created around 900 oil paintings, more than 2,000 watercolor paintings, and innumerable sketches. He was a living example of: “Focus on your efforts, not perfection. Live the journey.” His refined portrait skills represented images of the Edwardian Age society in an artful manner.

6. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Pablo Picasso famous artists in the world

(Pablo Picasso)

“I’ll be the next Picasso one day”, said the kid. What is it about Picasso that makes him so endearing as an artist?

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, and theatre designer. But he spent most of his life in France as an artist. When he was born, his first word was ‘Lapiz’ which means pencil when translated from Spanish to English. He also co-invented Cubism (with the artist Georges Braque) and many creative art ideas.

An Illustration of Cubism famous art in the world

(An Illustration of Cubism by Pablo Picasso)

For more than 85% of his life, he devoted himself to artistic culture and established modern art practices that we see today. In short, he is responsible for that escalated development of the art style and techniques.

Know More About The Most Expensive Paintings by Pablo Picasso Ever Sold

7. Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)

Frida Kahlo famous artists in the world

(Self-portrait of Frida Kahlo)

Frida Kahlo is a Mexican self-taught artist who is well known for her portraits, self-portraits, and other paintings inspired by the nature.

She was disabled by polio as a child and still worked hard to head to medical school until her accident by a bus at the age of 18. That left her with lifelong pain and grief.

The special part of her artworks is the boldness and authenticity in her self-portraits. One of the interesting facts about her portraits was the unibrow that she represented in them which shows her unique unconscious capabilities.


The information and sequence of the same are, by no chance, decided as per ranking. In this article, The list of all famous artists in the world is non-ranked and simply taken as a reference to share with the readers. Any similarity in worldwide ranking is purely coincidental. Please use this content solely as a source of information.

 Now you got information about “The Famous Artists in the World.”😊

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